Borough Of Weatherly
Incorporated 1863
The Borough of Weatherly is located in Carbon County, Pennsylvania. With an approximate population of 2,600 residents. Just 12 miles northwest of Jim Thorpe and 28 miles south of Wilkes-Barre. Weatherly has remained a small rural community of people that love their legacy, cherish the wholesome lifestyle, and bask in the beauty of their natural surroundings.
Recent Borough News
- Utility IncreaseWe are writing to explain the reason for the increase in the borough utility bills.
- Borough Council Meeting Schedule 2025Council Meetings will be held at 5:00 P.M. the fourth Monday of the month with exceptions noted.
- Handicap Parking PermitAll Weatherly residents with a current Handicap Parking Permit are hereby notified that the permit must be renewed annually.