Weatherly Burning Regulations
Regarding open burning
This is what residents should know & keep in mind when burning in the borough.
- All burning for the destruction, by burning of non–recyclable household waste, twigs and leaves shall take place between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at which time ALL fires must be extinguished.
- The fire must be attended at all times by an adult individual.
- The incinerator must have a solid or screen type lid in place while the fire is burning.
- No hazardous or other objectionable conditions will be created by such burning.
- No burning is allowed on any street or sidewalk with the Borough.
- In NO CASE shall burning occur on Saturdays, Sundays or recognized Federal or State holidays.
Residents affected adversely by any burning are instructed to contact Weatherly Police Dept. at 570-427-4241 while burning is taking place.