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Borough Utility Payments


If you pay your utility bills by check please note the followingYou must use blue or black ink. Checks written in any other color will not be accepted by the bank and will be returned to you!

Utility bills can be paid by:

Credit/Debit Card:

  • In person in Borough Office
  • Calling with Credit/Debit card
  • Signing up for Auto Payment

Check/Money Order: (Payment stub included)

  • Mail to the Borough Office
  • Brought into the Borough Office
  • Check/Money Order & Payment Stub in a sealed envelope and dropped in the drop box in the parking lot

Cash is not accepted!

Mattresses and Box Springs

County Waste has recently informed the Borough Office of a new requirement concerning the disposal of mattresses and box springs for trash pick-up.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, All MATTRESSES & BOX SPRINGS MUST be wrapped in PLASTIC and sealed with a type of DUCT TAPE or STRAPPING TAPE in order for them to be picked up by the hauler. If they are not covered, they will NOT be picked up with the trash.

This requirement has been put into effect by County Waste due to issues caused by bed bugs affecting the staff and equipment.

Animals in Weatherly Borough

Due to some recent questions and concerns regarding animals living on private premises within Weatherly Borough, residents are urged to take notice of the following information.

Defecation on Public and Private Property
2B-9. Prohibited acts

No person having possession, custody or control of any animal shall knowingly or negligently permit any dog or other animal to commit any nuisance, i.e., defecation or urination, upon any gutter, street, driveway, alley, curb or sidewalk in the Borough of Weatherly or upon the floors or stairways of any building or place frequented by the public or used in common by the tenants or upon the outside walls, walkways, driveways, alleys, curbs or stairways of any building abutting on a public street or park or upon the grounds of any public park or public area or upon any private property other than the property of the owner of such animal.
(Ord. 91-9, 12/9/1991)

Number of Animals on Premises
2B-18. Registration required.

If more than four (4) animals, six (6) months of age or over are kept on any premises, regardless of the number of owners, the owner of the premises must notify and register with the Weatherly Borough Health Department. Failure to so notify and register constitutes a violation of this ordinance.
(Ord. 91/9. 12/9/1991)

Projects and Remodels

Weatherly Borough residents are urged to verify first whether permits are required before beginning projects in and around their homes. Examples of items that may REQUIRE one or more permits and, in some cases, INSPECTIONS as well are:

  • Decks
  • Fences
  • Sheds & Garages
  • New Roofs or Roof Replacement requiring sheathing
  • Enclosing Porches
  • Porch Floors requiring new Joists
  • Electrical upgrades
  • Some Plumbing
  • Structural changes
  • Chimneys/Chimney Replacements
  • Outdoor Fuel Burning Appliances

Special regulations apply in some cases. In addition, please be aware that the Code Enforcement Dept. is keeping under observation, such items as, High Grass & Weeds & Abandoned Vehicles on properties in the Borough.

Click Here for Building and Zoning Permits

Borough Landlords

Weatherly Borough Landlords are reminded that Borough Ordinance Chapter 43 Landlord-Tenant, requires all Landlords to register their rental properties and tenants, obtain a Landlord License and have a rental inspection performed prior to tenant moving in, AND whenever there is a change in tenancy.

Failure to obtain a license and inspection is a violation of Borough Ordinance and is enforceable. Please contact Karen Kiddish at the Borough Office for details regarding the Landlord-Tenant Ordinance.

Weatherly Burning Regulations

This is what residents should know & keep in mind when burning in the borough.

  • All burning for the destruction, by burning of non–recyclable household waste, twigs and leaves shall take place between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at which time ALL fires must be extinguished.
  • The fire must be attended at all times by an adult individual.
  • The incinerator must have a solid or screen type lid in place while the fire is burning.
  • No hazardous or other objectionable conditions will be created by such burning.
  • No burning is allowed on any street or sidewalk with the Borough.
  • In NO CASE shall burning occur on Saturdays, Sundays or recognized Federal or State holidays.

Residents affected adversely by any burning are instructed to contact Weatherly Police Dept. at 570-427-4241 while burning is taking place.

Cats Need A License

As of January 1st, 2020 ALL CATS residing in the borough of Weatherly are required to be licensed! The license fees are $5.00 for unaltered cats and $3.00 for altered cats. Proof of current feline distemper and rabies inoculation must be presented in order to obtain a license, as well as proof of spaying or neutering your pet.

Cat licenses must be renewed annually within 30 days after the first day of January each year. Licenses may be obtained Monday through Friday 7:30am to 4:00pm at the borough office.